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Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Hog Wild

Looks like the cankled beast is a little tuckered out, doesn't it? Sometimes, well, one never knows when our prayers will be answered.
Yesterday just about after feed time, my love decided to clean out the barn. He is just so good to me, I love when he adds a nice fresh layer of pine shavings that smell just so yummy and then he tops them off with that marvelous straw to cushion my tushy.
He is just so sweet to me, really.
Well while he was making my loft all purdy, the cankled beast escaped, Hah! I watched on in pure amazement, why had I never thought to just let him loose.
The woman was in some undisclosed location, so it was just the boys and my love chasing the cankled beast, boy can that pig run. He headed straight for the bamboo, the little nuisance. I mean we have all been on lockdown and my love said we must wait until the bamboo grows in more, because well Ms. Clicky knees and Stinky Blue eyes are just pure animal and seemingly decimate the bamboo within minutes. I am not sure why my love is foolish enough to think they just won't eat more and faster, but I guess sometimes he has to learn the hard way.
Anyhow I must admit that my love looked quite silly running after the squeeling cankled beast diving here and there over the ground and into the air. He was calling the cankled beast names that I won't dare repeat. Ms. Clicky knees had to cover her ears and hide under the kiddie slide, she is so pathetic, truly. I mean what does she think this is parochial school?
Inca laughed along with me, of course he always goes too far, he laughed so hard he peed all over himself, not that him peeing on himself is anything new (note to self, don't stand next to stinky boy when he is laughing, I will just end up being a stinky girl, can't have that, what would my love think).
The ducks pointed their wings and chattered on and on about how unfair it was that the pig was freeranging today, when they were in lockdown. The chickens pfftt who knows where they were, they are such tramps, going here and there. They were probably at the neighbors rolling in dirt. Sometimes they are ridiculous, I mean the whole point of taking a bath is to be clean, they take dirt baths???
I just don't get it. I like them well enough ok, but sometimes they are such bird brains.
Anyhow my love dove here and he slid there, the boys were running around behind him, basically useless and to my great disappointedment one of them finally had a moment of brilliance, the woman would never chase the cankled beast, she just shook a cup with feed and the lard arse would come running, so the bigger boy finally came down and got a cup of feed.
So there it was the cankled beast in all his glory sprinting along, the cup shakes and he paused right there in mid air, I swear, and he turned just like one of those acrobats in the circus. Bang just like that, he was off chasing the big kid for feed, heading right on back to the corral. Great! But Oh the look on my love's face, it was a kodak moment if I ever did see one.
To my delight the little bugger bolted out the open corral door and headed for the bamboo now, I thought aha two gone for the price of one. I cheered ok, I did, I just cheered him on. This could be wonderful for me, but no such luck, my love caught him pretty quickly and carried him back and plopped him right back down next to the pig.
Ok I was a little disappointed, I figured they would both get their walking papers,  but nooooooo.
I also must confess just a few minutes later, when the small boy came into the covered run, I went in behind him and put some sap over the latch.  I waited, yes I did, until he pushed the wheel barrel on back out of the run and I opened the door big and wide and I shook the cup, uhuh, and I threw it out of the run. It was beautiful the cankled beast was off again, running full steam ahead for the  cup and then the bamboo. I figured for sure that was that, yup he is a goner. Yet then it happened, my love now a little more savvy, got the cup and shook it with a big grin on now and the cankled beast came right on back snorting and squeeling, the glutton.
In retrospect, I  guess I feel a little bad, my love gave the little boy alot of grief for leaving the door open, but I have to say nothing ventured, nothing gained. We must face reality, there are always casualties in war. Potentially the cankled beast and the little bugger could have been history, it was worth it all. Maybe tommorow I will hide the cup.

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